Contact Me...
Review Policy
*I am currently not accepting book submissions due to a huge TBR pile.*
I am an avid reader but new to the world of book blogging. I am also a writer. I live in Lancashire with my husband and two sons. I would love to hear from authors and publishers and those who self publish. I accept Kindle/Mobi files as well as paper books. It is important that your book is readable. I cannot format books, nor do I proofread.
As I am a busy mum, all of my reviews will be done in my spare time, so please be patient. I will read your book in exchange for an honest review. However I do not post reviews of books that are under 3 stars and will notify you of this fact.
Accepting a book does NOT guarantee a review. If I feel that the book is not right for me, and I cannot finish it, I will contact you.
My review will be posted on Amazon UK, Goodreads and twitter. I will email you relevant links when the review is posted.
I read pretty much anything but NOT erotica.
When you contact me please include the following:
Book blurb
A little about yourself/ links to author website/social media
I really look forward to hearing from you
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