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Wednesday 31 January 2018

Happiness: Your route-map to inner joy by Andy Cope @johnmurrays

About the book

Happiness, calm and enlightenment need not be elusive concepts which we hear of in theory but are never able to capture. This funny, practical book by Andy Cope, the Dr of Happiness, will show you how to transform your thinking, change gear and find a fresh new perspective that will leave you better focused on the things that matter, healthier and a great deal happier.

Little Books are accessible and engaging books with a focus on personal development and business topics, delivering quick, outcome-focused results, ideal for self-improvement junkies, commuters, or business readers.
My Review

Happiness. Your route map to inner joy, is a book that will make you think about your life,  what you think is important in your life, and what you really want in life. It really did make me think about the daily choices that I make. 

Although the subject matter within this self development book is not a new one, the way in which it is presented as a travel holiday is completely unique. The language used is also easy to read and understand. It both engages and captures the imagination. 

This book is incredibly practical and it makes you examine daily living. A  lot of  the suggestions are common sense,  but when put in print, and in context,  it made me realise how simple some of these changes were to make. The book is divided up into different sections. You can read the book as one long story, or you can dip in and out of chapters. It's a flexible book. 

The book reads as a travel journey towards happiness, and is funny yet informative. As I've said, there's nothing really new in this book, but the approach is very different and it makes you think, and that I feel is what this genre of book should do.

I also feel that this book is one in which you can grow with, come back to from time to time. It's not a book that will provide an instant fix to your life, I don't like books that tell you to 'read this book and your life will transform', because life isn't quite like that. This is very much a book that gives you ideas and thoughts to work with.

The author Dr Andy Cope also provides us with a useful reading list, and references to research that he mentions within the book. Each chapter also ends with a list of top tips that reinforces the main points of the chapter, and practical things that you can try.

I really liked this book for its simplicity, yet thought provoking themes about how you can make life more meaningful and live in the moment.  This book would make a lovely present.

With thanks to the publisher and Bookbridgr for providing me with a hardback copy for review purposes.

Happiness: Your route-map to inner joy was published by John Murray on 19 Oct. 2017 and can be found on Amazon here.

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